No One Dreams in Beige!

Saying vanilla is my favorite yogurt…is about as vanilla as I get. In fact, I have never had the experience where an enthusiastic friend called to excitedly to share…  “Natalie, you wouldn’t believe it! I went to the new opening at that chic new gallery on Sutter Street Saturday, and it was just fabulous! Literally everything was  beige. Really blew my socks off!”  No, that would be like listening to the same song with only two repetitious chords played at noisome for seven days straight!  Wait, am I talking about “smooth jazz ?” You decide. Yikes!







Natalie Craig Interior Design

Dazzling color ignites the senses

Natalie Craig Interior Design

Bright colors and smiles go together!















Think about it, what turns your head? A perfectly styled landscape with rows of non script bushes. Chances are you may drive by it and not even notice it. Even day after day.  Now drive by a lushly layered garden with a royal flush of  brightly colored roses and a thicket of seven foot tall sun flowers and your blood begins to stir__you take a deep breath  of celebratory appreciation and sigh, “how beautiful!” You may even slow down and take a good long look. But, if you are obsessed like me you stop your car, get out and totally  take in the symphony of delight….ah!


Natalie Craig Interior Design

A medley of nature and whimsy…

Natalie Craig Interior Design

The colors that take your breath away…
