No One Dreams in Beige
The Fascinating World of Fabulous DesignColour Psychology in Interior Design
Guest Blog from EZ Living Interiors

Dale Chihuly: Reflections on a Colorful Revolutionary
Chihuly is a mastermind of glass works, a revolutionary in the world of glass sculpting whose work continues to push this art form in bold new directions. His work doesn’t really fit into one category although he is known as a glass sculptor. The creativity, striking use of color and nuanced imagery is so reminiscent of unadulterated beauty that is defies comparison. He is in a category of one. There are few who even attempt to move glass sculpting in colorful (literally) new directions that provoke such blunt emotion without even a word. His goal, according to himself is to “Move people with color and light in a way they have never experienced.”
His work is also heavily influenced by water and its fluid movement as can be seen by much of his work. The sculptures have a common theme of outbound energy with many of his relics starting at a focal point and expanding outward, showing how color changes its density based on the thickness of the glass. It’s quite something to behold. His skill with colors, both alone and through intricate combinations has resonated globally. His exhibitions draw massive crowds and he has been honored with these at placed such as the Palais du Louvre and the Royal Botanical gardens near London. Though one of the more impressive feats, even in a career such as his, was the attendance of over 1 million visitors to his exhibition Chihuly in the Light of Jerusalem.
His work moves the mind, pulls at the heart and soothes the soul. The deep and shallow contrasts of light and color cause intense awe many times, though we don’t always know why. The puzzles created with color, contrast and the lack of color in some respects don’t need to be solved. While you may wonder at how the complex combinations of light and color relax your thoughts and provoke them at the same time, there are more obvious questions at work. How in the world does he create these masterpieces? Some are very tall and imposing and can have detailed color combinations. Many look different depending on the angle and amount of light! The thought that must go into such subtleties alone boggles the mind. It’s amazing he’s produced as many sculptures as he has.
Chihuly is a visionary. People think of using colors and combining them in complicated ways, which Chihuly does, but there’s more to it than that. His works, though dominated by complex color and light combinations are whole. They aren’t pieced together and coaxed to look like a uniform structure. The colors, even in contrast exist in perfect harmony. This presents an interesting conundrum which undoubtedly keeps audiences fascinated: How does he make many seem like one? How does he make complicated seem simple? Or vice versa? It is the contrast and the somehow subsequent coming together of his idea that inspires the admiration. There is little doubt his work will continue to define a movement and continue to move us all.
Psychological Effects of Color in Interior Design
The human mind is incredibly complicated. The way a person thinks and how they perceive the world can be shaped in many unexpected ways. For example, did you know that color can have a huge impact on how you feel and act? It may seem strange, but it is true: the color in your surroundings will have significant psychological effects.
This psychological phenomenon can be turned toward your own purposes. For example, knowledge of how color will affect your thoughts and feelings can be used to help you decorate or redesign your home to improve your mood, boost productivity, or provide some other beneficial effect. Read on for the basics of color psychology, and for how color psychology is important to interior design.
Most colors can be roughly divided into two types: warm colors and cool colors. Warm colors (also called saturated colors), like red, yellow, and orange, evoke feelings of activity and passion, and perhaps even anger. Cool colors are colors such as blue, green, and purple. These cooler colors are associated with calm, harmony, and peace, but also lassitude, inaction, and sadness.

Bright Orange Accents add Spark to the Neutral Setting

Dramatic Reds Set Off a Subdued Color Palette
Red is certainly the warmest of the colors — in fact it could be called ‘hot’. Red is stimulating and invigorating, but the color can also shorten tempers and increase irritability. Using red in a bedroom (or any room oriented towards relaxation) would probably be unwise. Because it can increase hunger, red might be suitable for a kitchen. Strong reds should be used moderately, since most rooms should not inspire the hectic, intense feeling such reds can elicit.
Bright yellows tend to inspire optimism and foster an upbeat attitude. Still, too much yellow can quickly become grating. Yellow is best used in moderation, or in very light tones. Orange, a fun and stimulating color, should be treated in the same way.

Warm and Cheerful Sunny Yellow

Calming and Restful Shades of Blue
The color blue has many connotations and aspects, but in general it impresses feelings of clarity, order, and calm. Blue is the perfect color for rooms where thinking or hard work are done. The sensation of quiet and peace that blue can impart makes it a good choice for a bedroom, too. Green will have similar effects to blue, though green also has strong associations with the outdoors and the natural world, and provides a slightly more soothing effect than blue. In general, be wary of the downbeat, depressing sentiments blue and green can sometimes evoke.
There’s more to color psychology than warm and cold colors — neutral colors, for one. Neutral colors tend to simply fade into the background and do not have a strong psychological impact. For example, if you walk into a white-colored room, you may not consciously register the color’s presence at all. This phenomenon makes white and other neutrals ideal for rooms used for many different purposes, or for a room where simplicity is needed.

Crisp White is Calm Neutral ….Just a Touch of Brown Enhances Great Style

Warm Neutral Elegant Bathroom
Light browns (like beige), creams, and grays are neutral colors as well. Any color that is extremely close to white (i.e., a very pale blue) can also play the part of a neutral. Black, though technically a neutral color, will have somewhat different emotional and psychological effects. Blacks are good for bold, dramatic effects since the color stands out and attracts the eye. Black has certain negative connotations (like with death) and has a weighty, serious aspect, but can also create a mood of refinement and elegance.

Dark Dramatic Contemporary Color Styling
How light or dark a color is also matters. Darker colors tend to make a room feel compact and small — maybe even cozy. Lighter colors, especially if they are on the cool spectrum, will make a room feel large and airy. You may almost feel as if the walls are receding in a room decorated with a cool blue or the like.

Saturated Dark Walls add Dramatic Effects
Of course, most rooms are not designed with only one color. In fact, making an entire room one color may be unwise. How colors combine can be psychologically significant, and certain sets of colors seem to go perfectly with each other. Nonetheless, for maximum psychological and emotional impact, designing a room with one main color is the best approach — thought slightly moderating the dominance of that color with elements of other, contrasting colors can also be a good idea.
Learning about the psychological and emotional import of color will allow you to design your home in a thoughtful, intentional way. Color can be a powerful way to shape your feelings, mentality, and actions.
Still, it’s important to understand that in color psychology, intuition and personal judgments play a major role. Since there’s no exact science of color psychology, following your own feelings is necessary. The effects a color can theoretically have are almost limitless. If a potential arrangement of colors in your home appeals to you, give it a try. You’ll know by your own experience what emotional and psychological effects the colors actually have. In the meantime, learning from the basic psychological theories of color will give you a good place to start experimenting.
No One Dreams In Beige

No One Dreams in Beige!
Saying vanilla is my favorite yogurt…is about as vanilla as I get. In fact, I have never had the experience where an enthusiastic friend called to excitedly to share… “Natalie, you wouldn’t believe it! I went to the new opening at that chic new gallery on Sutter Street Saturday, and it was just fabulous! Literally everything was beige. Really blew my socks off!” No, that would be like listening to the same song with only two repetitious chords played at noisome for seven days straight! Wait, am I talking about “smooth jazz ?” You decide. Yikes!

Dazzling color ignites the senses

Bright colors and smiles go together!
Think about it, what turns your head? A perfectly styled landscape with rows of non script bushes. Chances are you may drive by it and not even notice it. Even day after day. Now drive by a lushly layered garden with a royal flush of brightly colored roses and a thicket of seven foot tall sun flowers and your blood begins to stir__you take a deep breath of celebratory appreciation and sigh, “how beautiful!” You may even slow down and take a good long look. But, if you are obsessed like me you stop your car, get out and totally take in the symphony of delight….ah!

A medley of nature and whimsy…
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